Category Archives: general dentistry

Dental Extraction procedure

Hundreds if not millions of people around the world tend to suffer from a common problem or nuisance, and is a fact that losing a tooth is something that at this point of humankind history shouldn’t be a surprise since there are lots of health issues or things like infections that could develop into tooth decay.

Any other problems that will make you ask for dental extractions to avoid risking your other healthy teeth in the process, but what are dental extractions, and who perform such an important procedure? Stay tuned to discover every single one of these topics.

What are Dental Extractions?

In simple words, it will be the surgical procedure lead by a dentist or oral surgeon that will do what is possible to remove or extract an unhealthy or infected tooth that is likely to cause problems in the future if a solution or decision is not taken at the moment.

Dental extractions can be performed by your local dentist or even by an oral surgeon in case that you are also suffering from deeper issues like infections that could spread to your healthy teeth or tooth decay that needs to be solved as soon as possible to avoid losing more parts of the affected tooth.

How Dental Extractions Work?

First of all, you need to know that there are two ways of performing this procedure, the first one will be the traditional one where you will be receiving some anesthesia and then the dentist will proceed to extract the tooth without too many problems just making some cuts or putting some other medicine to speed up the process, this case is commonly used in people with tooth decay when the tooth is almost out of its place and no further movements will be required to get it out of there.

The second way of doing the procedure is by breaking the damaged tooth into multiple parts and then removing each part of that tooth, while this may sound painful it’s surprisingly very straightforward since you will be under anesthesia, however, those procedure is only performed when you count with a tooth that it looks almost normal or it has not been broke or affected by any decay, for that reason, the westerville dentist will destroy it to make everything easier and to make sure that nothing is left on the jawbone.

Benefits of Dental Extractions:

  • First of all, acceding to remove a damaged or infected tooth will increase your life quality since it will reduce the risk of suffering from any infection that could spread in the future.
  • You will not feel any pain after the procedure even while waiting or chewing food since the tooth that was causing all of those pain episodes will be already gone.
  • After removing the tooth, you can ask for dental implants or crowns that will help you to fill that empty space of your mouth, the good thing about this kind of things is that there are a lot of possibilities after the surgery to fix your situation, you just have to look and ask dentist and orals surgeons.


When To Visit The Dentist

Most people only visit the dentist when a problem in present. This can be an aching tooth, along with bleeding gums or an exposed nerve. While dentists will surely treat these issues, they continue to stress the importance of proper oral care and hygiene. This includes brushing after each meal, along with daily flossing and mouthwash. This can truly prevent plaque from building on the teeth, along with tooth decay and cavities. Dentists also recommend avoiding excess sugar, tobacco, coffee, and other items that are notorious for staining teeth and gums. With years of extensive dental experience, dentists also service the following common and extensive issues:

•    Yellow teeth, missing teeth, broken teeth, and impacted molars.
•    Teeth extraction, wisdom teeth extraction, root canals, bridges, crowns, and porcelain caps.
•    Oral gum disease and cancer screenings.
•    Cavity removal and treatments, overbites, TMJ, misaligned jaws, bleeding gums, receding gums, gum disease, and chronic halitosis (bad breath).
•    Pain-free surgical procedures, sedation, cosmetic dentistry, implants, braces, Invisible braces, and removing plaque.
•    Checking the tongue, cheeks, and mouth for cancerous lesions – oral cancer treatments – and proper daily oral hygiene tips and techniques.

Dentists also accept a range of DMO and insurance plans for your convenience. They even offer in-house dental coverage, along with flexible repayment plans and discounts for seniors, veterans, and children. Dentists provide a comprehensive range of dental treatments, surgeries, and services for all patients – young and old.

When Should I Visit the Dentist?

According to leading dentists, dental checkups should be done twice a year. This allows them to catch any potential issues before they cause irreparable harm and damage. They can also remove old fillings with safe and healthy composites, along with tackling cavities or discolored teeth. They also remove plaque from all areas of the teeth, as well as restore proper biting and oral hygiene. As always, dentists utilize cutting-edge technologies to pinpoint and address all dental issues. This may include excessive cavities, broken teeth, chipped teeth, root canals, crowns, bridges and much more.

As always, you should never fear going to the dentist in Bakersfield for any reason. Dentists specialize in pain-free dentistry services, including sedation and laughing gas. They also help patients with post-dental treatment care, which includes brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. Similarly, dentists are always available for emergency treatments, and many now offer convenient mobile services as well. If you are due for a dental checkup, do not wait for any problems to worsen. Simply schedule an appointment and have a dental professional examine you today.

Dental Care at its Finest

While you must see the dentist at least twice a year, never wait if you are experiencing tooth or gum pain. This can be signs of periodontal disease, as well as possible nerves being exposed due to cavities. Dentists have the tools and experience to secure immediate solace and relief, along with the top procedures for removing damaged teeth. They also work hard to salvage any damaged teeth if possible – but will determine the best routes of action to take upon examination of the teeth and issues at hand.

How To Deal With A Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies can be incredibly painful and frightening, especially when they happen at night or on the weekend when your dentist is not open. It is important to be able to distinguish the difference between what is an emergency and what is not. A Longmont dental emergency consists of problems like bleeding gums that will not stop, a broken or knocked out tooth, a broken jaw, a painful toothache or swelling. A dull pain, lost crown are examples of what a dental emergency is not.

The best way of dealing with a dental emergency is to obviously go to your dentist, but there are times when he or she is not available. Most good dentists provide their patients with an emergency contact number of another dentist who can help them in case of emergencies, but if you have a problem at night even this alternative may not be available to you. What you should do is visit the emergency room – you will be given temporary care that will take care of the problem until your dentist is available.

There are, however, some things that you can do at home that can help you in case of a dental emergency. The most important is to stay calm – when you panic the body releases chemicals which make pain or bleeding worse. If you have irritation or painful swelling, for example, put a little salt in warm water and use it to rinse your mouth – it will give you temporary relief. Here are other examples:

• If you accidentally knock out a tooth you can save it by putting it in a glass of milk and then heading right over to your dentist’s office with it.

• Sometimes when food is stuck between teeth it can cause pain and swelling. Try flossing to get the food out.

• Pain and irritation can be reduced using an ice pack.

• Keep hydrogen peroxide handy – it is great for dealing with pain and irritation.

The best thing to do is to avoid emergencies altogether if you can. Make sure that you don’t miss dental appointments, and if you feel a problem developing visit your dentist before it becomes an emergency. Make sure that you brush your teeth after means but if you cannot you should rinse with mouthwash. If you eat a sugary snack make sure to rinse your mouth out with water. You should also avoid foods that are hard and chewy especially if you have had root canals done. You should also have your teeth cleaned at least once a year in order to get rid of plaque and food remains that are buried deep between teeth. If you play rough sports you should always wear a mouth guard.

Lastly, having a dentist who has trained staff that can help with dental emergencies can also be a big help. If your dentist is not available his assistant can provide temporary care until you can get a more permanent solution.

What Makes A Good Dentist?

If you are in the market for a new dentist you may be wondering what qualities you should be looking for – they are, after all, going to be looking after your teeth. In addition to that, there are so many dentists that you don’t want to choose the first one that you come across. Other than proper training and licensing, makes a good dentist? Here are the qualities you should be looking for:

• They are good communicators. A good dentist will take the time to listen to their patients so that they can understand what issues they are having with their teeth. Once they have understood the problem they will not only treat it, they will also dispense advice on how to avoid it or how to minimize its effects in the future.

• Good dentists have a good bedside manner just like doctors do. You should not choose a dentist who is surly or unfriendly – if you cannot talk to them openly you may not disclose all your dental issues. Be sure to pick a good Baton Rouge TMJ dentist

• A good dentist offers holistic treatments. They will perform dental procedures, but they understand that overall lifestyle affects dental health so they will talk to you about it. They will talk to you about your diet, alcohol consumption and if you are being treated for any chronic condition they will want to know about it.

• A good dentist is respectful of his patients. He will keep his appointments, he charges prices that patients can afford, he hires employers who are qualified and respectful and he offers useful suggestions.

• A good dentist maintains a sanitary office. An unhygienic dentist can be the source of a lot of health problems, including more serious illnesses like HIV. If you visit a dentist’s office and you don’t feel like it is well sanitized you should not allow them to treat you.

• A good dentist in Flint MI will take the time to get to know you because this allows them to handle you as an individual rather than just another patient. This way they can provide customized solutions.

• Good dentists are in touch with other medical professionals so that they can refer patients to them who need further treatment.

• Good dentists do not need to advertise their services. They are more interested in providing important dental information. If you visit a dentist’s website and he is all about selling you his services you should probably find another one.

• A good dentist will make sure that his office is in a secure location. He will provide parking for his patients and he will have offices that are spacious and comfortable.

• Don’t use a dentist who looks like he doesn’t care about his staff, or who mistreats them. Take care to notice how they interact with him.

• A good dentist does follow up especially after painful procedures to find out how his patients are getting on.

If you find a dentist with these qualities you can go ahead and engage his or her services.

How To Prevent Cavities

You may not have been lucky enough to avoid cavities as a child but you want to make sure that your own children do not develop them – are there any particular things you should be doing? As a matter of fact there are. Good dental hygiene is not hard to practice, and if you teach your children how to do it they will go the rest of their lives with strong, healthy teeth. Here is what you should be doing:

• Remind your children to brush their teeth after every meal, and make sure that they do with fluoride toothpaste. You can ask your dentist to recommend a brand – there are some that contain just enough fluoride for children. If they are not able to brush they should rinse their mouths out with water after they eat. There are also mouthwashes that are designed for children.

• Dental sealants for children have been around for a long time so you should talk to your dentist about them. They are not painful or difficult to apply and it takes only a short time. They usually need to be replaced after about 10 years.

• Although fluoride in water often gets a bad rap it is actually good for your teeth, so encourage your children to drink tap water.

• In many cases cavities in children are caused by sugary foods and drinks. While it may be impossible to cut them out completely, you should limit how much of these your children consume. Encourage them to brush their teeth after they do.

• There are some foods that have been known to discourage the development of cavities. Cheeses, for example, contain an ingredient called casein which helps to prevent tooth decay. Raisins also help, and adults who drink wine often tend to have fewer tooth cavities.

• Encourage your children to drink water through a straw without it making contact with their teeth.

• Avoid processed foods – they contain way more sugar than is good for your teeth. Instead of snacking on protein bars for example, provide healthy sugar free snacks such as nuts and fruit. Instead, feed your family a healthy diet of fresh foods prepared at home – not only will their teeth benefit, they will also enjoy better overall health.

• If your child has to take antibiotics and they are making their teeth vulnerable to cavities talk to your dentist about antibacterial treatments. There are rinses designed to fight the effects of antibiotics on teeth. Learn about dentistry in Nampa.

• Do not skip dental visits. Make sure you take your child to see a dentist two or three times a year so that if they are developing cavities the dentist can treat them early. Take whatever recommendations your dentist takes seriously. If you don’t have an appointment but you think that your child may be developing cavities or any other dental treatment you should not wait until your next appointment – take them anyway.

These tips are not just good for helping your children avoid cavities; they are also good for you.

Dental Floss Tips

flossy hygiene! Some of us pay little or no attention to this very important detail, but we really have to start taking care of our teeth. This is because of that smile that we sometimes put up that most of the time is a gateway to our overall health. Another reason to pay close attention to oral hygiene is because it plays a big role in how younger we look, which is also important. An important exercise for oral hygiene that is greatly ignored by many is flossing. I know some of us think just brushing our teeth is important but still, flossing is also an essential part of taking care of our oral hygiene.

Reason for flossing

Flossing plays a big role in oral hygiene, in that it helps to reach those parts that are hard to reach for the toothbrush in the mouth, especially gaps between teeth. If debris is kept off these gaps, your chances of developing cavities or gum infection decrease significantly. If plaque is left to accumulate, it hardens to form something that has to be removed professionally by a dentist. Over a long time, gums begin to swell and gingivitis takes hold. To avoid this one has to floss at least once a day.

How to Choose the Best Floss

Store shelves have different types of floss. Most brands are made from thin filaments. For teeth with wide spaces, it is advisable to use the dental tape, as it is larger than regular floss and covers most of the large parts. Ribbon floss is smoother than regular floss and is hence suitable for people with sensitive gums. Waxed floss is mainly for those with braces because it does not get stuck in the metal. You can also consider buying floss of your desired flavor just to feel more comfortable.

The Process of Flossing

    1. Begin with 18 inches of dental floss. Wrap each of the ends of the floss around your two middle fingers. Always leave an inch or two to work with.
    2. Using your forefingers and thumbs, slide the dental floss back and forth, up and down your teeth.
    3. Take a little more time on the gum-line of each tooth and gently move the floss around it, until you can be sure to reach the underneath the gum-line. Ensure that you do not force or snap the force on the gum as this could hurt your gums.
    4. Start with one end of your upper mouth and move to the other end of the mouth. If you are done with the upper mouth, begin with the lower mouth, moving from one end to the other.
    5. As you move from tooth to tooth, keep in mind to only use the clean sections of the floss.
    6. When you are done, make use of the back and forth motion so as to bring the floss up and away from your teeth.
    7. Get rid of the used piece of floss because it is not as efficient as a new one and it harbors bacteria.

Other very important ways for keeping proper oral hygiene is visiting your Los Gatos dentist regularly, preferably after every 6 months, and brushing every day. These tips will help greatly to achieve the intended goal of better oral hygiene, and also help a person get that great smile that keeps you looking younger.

Dental Cleanings – Why Should I Get Them?

Apart from the usual brushing and flossing of teeth at home, it is necessary to visit a dentist for dental cleanings after each 6 months.   If you have never done it before, this is the right time to consult Olympia Impressions about it. A dentist might recommend dental cleaning after 6 or fewer months depending on your oral hygiene. If you have conditions such as gum disease, it might be recommended that you go for dental cleanings each 30 days or so for first 3-6 months.

Actual frequency depends on severity of the gum infection and what you do to reverse the condition. There will be a difference in the frequency of dental clean ups among people willing to take care of their oral hygiene and those unwilling to give the best to their home care. When gums heal, a hygienist will know that   the patient is able to keep gums healthy therefore will recommend an extension of cleaning appointments to each 3 or even more. Dental cleanings enable you to gain the following advantages necessary for your oral hygiene.

 Freshens breath

Dental cleanings and maintaining good oral hygiene is essential in preventing persistent bad breath. Even when you brush and floss your teeth regularly, getting dental cleanings is an excellent way Dental Cleaningto keep the mouth healthy without odor.

Prevent cavities

A whitish film that builds up on the teeth called plaque is one of the leading causes of tooth decay. This is an acidic substance that eats away at tooth enamel and it might lead to cavities if it’s left unattended.  Dental cleanings help to remove plaque. Since it is not done daily, it should be complemented by brushing and flossing.

 Brightens smile

Using tobacco or drinking wine, coffee and wine for prolonged time stains the teeth. Dental cleaning helps to remove stains that built up on teeth and leave them freshly polished. When anyone who had stained teeth notices that they are white again it is a reason for brighter smile.

Stops tooth loss

Built up plaque is a major cause of gum disease and tooth loss among adults. When gum disease advances, plaque moves further down a tooth where it destroys supporting bone in the jaw. When jaw bone is destroyed, the teeth loosen and finally fall out. Luckily, such extent of damage can be reduced greatly through dental cleanings together with a good oral hygiene habit.

Boosts overall health

Some studies have shown that oral hygiene is important as overall health. Regular dental cleanings helps in improving oral health thereby   lowering risk for conditions such as stroke and heart disease.  If you make a habit of going for dental cleanings and check up, it helps in early detection of some diseases in their formative stage.

Good health of your gums and maintaining good oral hygiene offers you more value because you can stay for long without dental problems.

Difference Between a Dentist and an Orthodontist

A dentist is a professional who has studied and qualified to treat teeth, gums and generally check on oral health. Difference between dentist and orthodontist is that the former has studied basic dentistry while the latter has undertaken additional specialist study in orthodontics at the Orthodontistuniversity. Orthodontics is specialized dentistry branch concentrating on development of teeth, jaws and face to reach best function and aesthetics. It is usually achieved using clear removable aligners or fixed braces.

An orthodontist is therefore a specialist who trained as a dentist then undertook further postgraduate course either at Masters or at Doctorate level.

Specialist training in orthodontics takes place at hospitals linked to leading university schools usually full time. Training at hospitals that collaborate with universities helps trainees learn theory and gain experience by treating patients at the same time. At the end of training, trainees sits for an exam and get certificate of completion in this specialist training for them to be registered as orthodontists.
Orthodontists are highly sought after because of their experience in maxillofacial surgery pediatric and restorative dentistry.

It is important for patients to tell the difference between a general delray beach dentist and orthodontist. There are certain general dentists who attempt to perform orthodontic treatment with invisalighn or braces after taking few lessons in the evenings or weekends. Patients should therefore be able to tell difference between dentist and orthodontist as the latter require comprehensive training and experience that just a few part time classes. A general surgeon does not have necessary skills for diagnoses and performing orthodontics procedure. Attempting the procedure might cause complications.

Differentiating general dentists and orthodontist

One way of telling the two professionals apart is by checking their signage. General dentists who offer orthodontic service to the patients will use a signage that reads “orthodontics”. It does not read “orthodontist”. Such signage would be deceptive to consumers. General surgeons do not have additional training that is necessary to qualify as an orthodontist. It is only orthodontic specialists who are allowed to use term “orthodontist” to describe themselves.

Since some rogue general dentists might use misleading signage, it is important to confirm with the local dentist registration body to know who is qualified in orthodontic. The other way is to check at the qualifications of an orthodontist.

It does matter to know who is a general surgeon or an orthodontist when you require orthodontics. A specialist has expertise to properly diagnose the condition and treat it well. It is more like going to a cardiologist when you have a heart problem rather than rely on a general surgeon. An orthodontist specialist has higher chances of correcting orthodontic issues that a general dentist because of the accumulated knowledge in training and experience through practice.

Types of Procedures a Dentist Offers

A dentist does everything that concerns the oral hygiene of the patients. The most common types of procedures a dentist offers are:

Fillings and Repairs

This is s procedure to repair teeth whose state has been compromised by trauma or tooth decay (cavities). Tooth trauma is caused by breaking or cracking of a tooth. A dentist uses several methods to determine presence of trauma or tooth decay. Filling is a method to repair a tooth usually using composite filling materials made from tooth colored resin that feels and looks like natural teeth. A dentist lisle IL should be able to inform a patient the best material for specific needs.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening are a procedure of making the teeth white again after darkening. Teeth get darker with age. It is mostly caused by:teeth whitening

  • Smoking cigarette
  • Taking beverages like black tea or coffee
  • Taking foods like berries
  • Trauma to teeth
  • Drugs like tetracycline

Filling is one of most effective cosmetic dental procedures for improving discolored or stained teeth.


Tooth extraction is removal of tooth from the socket in the bone. Extracting permanent teeth is one of procedures a dentist offers because of several reasons. The most common reason is a damage caused by severe decay or breaking. A dentist usually tries to use other methods like fixing teeth with crown, filling or other treatment procedure to save a tooth and only goes for extraction as a last resort.

Dentists may also settle for extraction if a patient has extra teeth blocking others from growing. Other people who require teeth extraction are those who are in the process of getting braces and there is a need to create more room for teeth that will be moved into place.
Dental Crowns (Caps)

Crowns are some dental restorations for protecting damaged, broken or cracked teeth. Dental crowns also called caps sit over entire part of a tooth. They lie above gum line. Crowns are made from metal, porcelain or combination of materials. Crowns help to cover cracked, severely stained or damaged teeth in order to hold the dental bridges in place. The reason for placing crowns over visible part of tooth is to improve appearance and enhance strength.

Root Canals

Root canal treatment also referred to as endodontics is removing of thread like tissue at the center of a tooth called tooth pulp. A dentist cleans shapes and fills the remaining space soon after removing the dead, damages or diseased pulp. The pulp is the section of a tooth containing nerves, veins, arteries and lymph tissue. When tooth decay advances nears or in the pulp, it increases risk of infection and usually will begin to ache. Root canal treatment seals off root canal after removal of infected pulp to prevent building up of pus at root tip at the jawbone.
A dentist can perform some of the above procedures or choose to specialize in specific areas.